
Becoming a First Time Manager

Transitioning from writing code to leading people is one of the more challenging shifts in an engineering career. Your technical expertise got you here, but holding onto it too tightly will hold you back from becoming an effective leader.

The IC Mindset Trap 🤔

As an IC, your likely success came from:

• Deep technical knowledge solving complex problems independently

• Being the go-to person for technical questions

• Quick, direct fixes to issues

As a manager, these traits can become obstacles. Jumping into code can prevent your team from growing and limit your effectiveness as a leader.

Signs You Haven't Let Go 🚩

Watch for these warning signs:

• You're still reviewing _every_ PR in detail

• Team members wait for your technical decisions

• You're coding after hours "to stay technical"

• You feel nervious when not involved in technical discussions

The Manager's Value Shift 🔄

Your value now comes from:

• Unblocking and empowering your team

• Building systems and processes that scale (but remember... People > Process)

• Developing technical judgment in others

• Creating space for team members to grow

Your job is no longer to be the best technical person on the team anymore. It's to build the best technical team.

Practical Steps to Let Go 🛠️

Start with code reviews

• Focus on architectural decisions rather than implementation details

• Ask questions instead of giving direct solutions - seek to understand rather than purely educate.

• Trust your senior engineers to handle the details

Delegate technical decisions

• Create decision-making frameworks for your team

• Have engineers document their thought process

• Coach through questions rather than directing

Redefine your technical involvement

• Participate in architecture discussions

• Focus on system-level thinking

• Find opportunities to shine the spotlight on others

Managing Reframing your Identity 🎭

Instead of viewing your role change as giving up your technical skills, reframe it as evolving them:

• From individual problem-solver to team enabler

• From code writer to architecture thinker

• From technical expert to technical leader

Finding New Satisfaction 🌟

Look for satisfaction in different wins:

• Seeing team members grow and accomplish their goals

• Watching your team solve problems independently

• Creating systems that help the team scale

• Building strong technical judgment across the team

Nomon Helps You Focus 🚀

Making this transition is challenging and at first you may feel like a fish out of water. Nomon can ease this transition and make you successful by quickly giving you the context and information to do your job best and let you focus on what matters most: developing your team and your leadership skills.

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